
Our Environmental Management Policy

Our Objective

To continue developing a sustainable business model that delivers value for all our stakeholders including our employees, clients, suppliers, business partners, and the wider community.

Our Areas of Focus

For Delatim to operate sustainably, we focus our activities in our key impact areas. These impact areas reflect both our opportunities to make a positive difference and manage our non-financial risks. By managing these areas well we believe we can deliver the best possible benefits for both our business and the wider world.

Our Responsibility and Commitment

Our Environmental and Ethical Sourcing Policies set out our shared business values and our commitment and the standards of behaviour we expect. We ensure that these practices are upheld across our business through our Employee Handbook.

Our Clients

We believe in delivering an excellent service for our clients that meet their needs and expectations. Therefore, we ensure to manage their services responsibly; adhering to any and all legal requirements. We have robust policies and procedures in place to ensure we meet these requirements.

Supply Chain

We aim to develop mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers and we are committed to working with suppliers who meet our business and sustainability standards.

Environmental Management

We are committed to identifying, managing and minimising the environmental impact of our business operations. We have an environmental management system (ISO 14001) in place to help us manage our impact and ensure that we comply with all relevant environmental legislation. Our risk management process also considers environmental risks on a site-by-site basis. We communicate our performance in this area in a transparent way.

We also seek to make a positive social contribution through the services we provide to our clients and our clients’ customers, particularly in our public service contracts.